Sunday, April 10, 2011

More from Jordan

I must apologize for the slow pace of this blog. What can I say except that work gets in the way of my life! Here are more pictures from Petra/Jordan from the Nat Geo tour. We will be returning to Jordan in a couple of weeks for an exploration of the Gulf of Aqaba by 2-person submarine. To see get a glimpse, you can go to to see the submarine. It is called the Super Falcon. I will post images from that trip on this web address, but under a separate title.

The Treasury viewed from the Siq

This was a magical evening. We traveled to an old Ottoman village, now a hotel, for a dinner. The meal and the entertainment were incredible. 

I was photographing the dancers. The next thing I knew, I saw Judy leading a conga line carrying a sword.  It was a bit shocking! I did get some video as well.

As you can see, things were just barely under control. FYI, she decided to spare Pierre's life and settled for another glass of wine. You know how wine and blood sacrifices were somewhat interchangeable in biblical times.

However,  she wasn't giving-up the sword.  I mean really, would you?

Here one of the local Bedouin is attempting to wrestle the sword away from her. 

I believe that you can tell from her smile who won the match. The poor guy didn't know who he was messing with!

Here she is celebrating her victory. They call this "shisha." When I asked for the location of a hookah bar I was met with confused looks. After describing what I wanted the local person exclaimed with a smile "oh you mean shisha."I'm not sure, but from the look that I was getting I can only assume that hookah implies hashish.

Just flavored tobacco. @#$%&$#@ ! But, it was a lot of fun, nonetheless.

Oh yeah, he saw us coming. By the time we found out the price he knew that he had us! Great fun.

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