Monday, January 17, 2011


Our departure from Agra, India was delayed 3 hours due to severe smog. Therefore, we arrived at Kilimanjaro airport quite late. The Serengeti park rangers do not allow travel through the park after nightfall. So, we had to get special permission to travel at night or we would not have been able to catch our bush plane from the airport into the park. Fortunately, the National Geographic Society has some influence. After a one hour flight on the bush plane, we had a one hour drive through the park to our camp. Following are some pictures of the wildlife that we encountered. There will many more later, as well as some of our camp.

I checked my guidebook and believe this is a SUPERB STARLING

On the rocks (Kopje) above our camp lived a group of Hyrax. Their closest relative is the elephant. I believe they were running across the roof of our tent on one night. They are about the size of a large rat.

A family of mongoose on a termite mound. Snakes like to live in termite mounds and mongoose like to eat snakes. These guys were hoping to find dinner.


Egyptian Goose.


Lilac Breasted Roller

Blacksmith Plover

Cokes Hartebeest




1 comment:

  1. These animal/bird photos are incredible. I feel like I'm reading a National Geographic magazine.
