Saturday, December 4, 2010

Tonle Sap "the Great Lake"

The floating villages, Tonle Sap Lake, Cambodia
Tonle Sap is about an hour south of Angkor. It is home to a large population (possibly millions) of illegal immigrants from Vietnam.

The people do everything on the water. They have fish farms, pig pens and crocodile pens, to name a few.

People live their daily lives on the water. While our boat was moving through the water at a moderately fast speed, a small boat like these, that had a motor, pulled-up along side, a girl jumped onto the boat with a selection of soda, water and beer. I bought two from her, she jumped back onto her boat and they sped off to the next tour boat.

Unfortuately, begging is a large part of life here. Children use their pet snakes to coerce tourists to give them money in return for photographs.

He also jumped onto our boat, but without the snake.

Inspecting their fishing nets.

More begging.

A young woman washing her hair.

1 comment:

  1. More beautiful photos! What kind of snakes were those? All the kids seemed to have one!
