Monday, December 27, 2010

Agra, India

Our entire stay in India was less than 24 hours. We flew into a military base and immediately embarked on our tour of the Taj Mahal. The beauty of the Taj is in stark contrast to the poverty of the surrounding area. Despite their relative poverty, the people of India dress in their finest clothes to visit the Taj. The air pollution is severe. My lungs were irritated at times. When it was time to leave, our plane (with us in it) had to sit on the tarmac for over 3 hours awaiting clearance for take-off due to the poor visibility.

Detail on the Taj Mahal.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Xi'an, China. The terra cotta warriors.

This is how they were found. They were intentionally destroyed during an uprising. 

Final shots of Beijing and Great Wall. The Forbidden City.

This is what small children wear. They go wherever they want to. This dog better watch out. No but sniffing occurred here.

The Forbidden City, Beijing, China.

Don Johanson, anthropologist and discoverer of Australopithecus afarensis, commonly known as "Lucy."

Monday, December 13, 2010

The Great Wall of China

We had a beautiful day on the Great Wall. It was a 2 hour drive from our hotel in Beijing.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Temple of Heaven, Beijing, China

Inside the Temple of Heaven

Judy & Pierre playing badminton at the temple of heaven.

A group of locals playing music.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Final images from Cambodia

These are some images from the Raffles Hotel that we stayed at in Siem Reap. On our final night, we had a dinner by the pool that included cuisine from multiple Asian countries. It began with a cocktail hour followed by a slide show presented by our National Geographic photographer. It included live Cambodian music and dancing. Magical!

Life-sized ice sculpture.