Sunday, November 28, 2010

Final thoughts about PNG and welcome to Cambodia.

One thing about PNG that I don't think I mentioned:
Port Moresby is the capital of PNG and is a more modern city. There are no roads out of the city. The only means to get to the rest of the country are by small plane or boat. All of the villages are extremely isolated. While most people now speak some English, there are over 800 native languages that are so different that none of them can communicate with one another. Port Moresby is a very dangerous place. The hotel that we stayed at was amazingly of the best on the trip. It was surrounded by zip-wire. When we arrived at the airport, our caravan had an armed police escort to a museum, and then to our hotel (We're talking automatic rifles here, not pistols.). It seems that life is harder for those people who have tried to adopt a more "advanced" way of life than it is for those still living as their ancestors did (except for eating people, of course).

We flew to Siem Reap, Cambodia from PNG. The hotel that we stayed at was incredible. We spent two very full days visiting various temples dating from around the 12th century. Also, we visited a floating city of illegal Vietnamese immigrants.

Banteay Srei Temple from the 10th century.

Banteay Srei.

Banteay Srei dedicated to the Hindu god Shiva.

Bayon Temple

Bayon Temple. It wouldn't look like Indiana Jones if you didn't have snakes!

Buddhist Monks.

Ta Prohm jungle temple.

Judy at Ta Prohm

More Ta Prohm

Ta Prohm temple

Ta Prohm temple

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